“I found I could say things with color and shape that I couldn’t say any other way–things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe Lucky Toronto! The city is the only North American stop for the blockbuster exhibition Georgia O’Keeffe, on now at the Art Gallery of Ontario until July 30, 2017. The retrospective covers […]
The drum is a heartbeat, faster than mine. Apache Crown dancers pace the circle, bodies painted, pine boughs bobbing at their hips, bells the size of tangerines adding an edgy jangle. With cotton sacking disguising their human features, feathers dangling from where their eyes should be, the dancers are eerie, otherworldly. My heartrate rises to […]
There’s a kind of hush over Santa Fe, New Mexico, a hush quite remarkable for a UNESCO Creative City and the third-largest art market in the U.S. (after New York and Los Angeles). Located at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains at an elevation of 7,000 feet, the color and beauty of New Mexico’s […]
The scent of spring lilacs drifts in from the patio. The puff of breeze ruffles the maps and brochures beside me on the bed. Warm evening sun slants into our room at Inn on the Alameda, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Two hours earlier, Pat and I had driven the speed limit to get to Santa […]
Once upon a time I spun a globe and declared to my sisters that I would go wherever my finger landed. It landed on Albuquerque which, at the age of ten, I couldn’t even pronounce. Though I did pass through New Mexico on a solo trip around the U.S. in my early twenties, I wasn’t […]