Pat and I are always on the lookout for a non-chain place to eat with great local food and plenty of atmosphere. The Lake Effect Diner in Buffalo, NY, was a real find. It’s easy to love these old diners with their resemblance to old Airstream trailers. Their exuberant lines just seem to shout holiday […]
There’s something Gotham-esque about Buffalo, New York, at night. The moon rises through cold crisp darkness over monuments to its past wealth and importance: the ghost-white Electric Tower, the floodlit ladies atop the Liberty Building, the magnificent Art Deco pile of its City Hall. In dark streets below, the city’s legendary nightlife carries on until a […]
When Visit Pittsburgh invited me to come and see the city’s private and public art collections, I jumped at the chance. My expectations were high but were exceeded many times over. Yes, the Warhol. Seven storeys of work by one of the 20th century’s most influential artists, including something you’re not going to see anywhere […]
Gee, a GPS makes road trips a lot more fun. You can fit in more of what you want to see when you’re not constantly getting lost. This time, in Buffalo for the day, we finally made it to the legendary Anchor Bar where buffalo wings were invented. I still prefer Coles overall for location, atmosphere, variety and […]